To the man that knows his own heart I shall belong

Random words, random thoughts. But they all come from the heart.

quarta-feira, novembro 02, 2005

Does anyone?

Does anyone know their own heart?
Does anyone know that I'm here?
Left out alone.
Left out on my own.

Does anyone say "I love you" anymore?
Does anyone mean it from the core?
Do they care?
Do they swear?

It's hard to say simple things,
Like "Please", "Thank you" or "I'm sorry",
A "Come on", "I'm here", "Don't worry",
Don't know what it all means.

Does anyone bother the pain?
A simple thing that still remains
Locked inside
A broken heart like mine

Do the rhymes mean anything?
To anyone?

Somewhere I'll go
Find some place I belong...

*** Beatriz Tenuta - 02/11/2005 ***


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

só avisando q acabo de comentar a poesia de 30 de junho... dá uma olhada lá...

At 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Bia...nao sabia desse seu lado poeta! Muito lindo!!! Voce escreve muito bem! :o) bjus

At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.


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